Loopa Breast

CLÍNICA BREAST Breast Clínica de la Mama is a specialized, multidisciplinary medical center for the education, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with breast diseases.  LOOPA was in charge of the institutional esthetic redesign, as well as the development of the website and the re-editing of its contents. Catalog with filter Informative […]


Loopa Multicca

MULTICCA Multicca is a construction system that uses construction debris in urban centers to create sustainable walls. The result is a more solid, economical and long-lasting final product that revalues and recycles materials which are usually discarded or which generate unnecessary stockpiles and haulage.  LOOPA created institutional content, designed the esthetics according to the company […]


Loopa Daia

DAIA The Delegation of Argentinian Israeli Associations (DAIA) has the mission of fighting against all expressions of anti-Semitism, discrimination, racism and xenophobia, preserving human rights, promoting interreligious dialogue and harmonious coexistence among all citizens within a framework of respect for differences.  LOOPA redesigned its website with the purpose of changing its online presence and introducing […]



MESABIERTA is a network which connects people and projects that try to improve the way we interact as individuals and as a community by sharing information, experiences and opportunities from the world of gastronomy as a social and cultural expression.  At LOOPA, we designed the esthetics that goes with the project in its online version […]

Consol Trade

Consol Caratula

CONSOL TRADE Consol Trade is a private door-to-door mail or courier service. It is a service in charge of shipping online purchases from abroad without the need of any paperwork or long queues at Customs.  LOOPA was responsible for the brand kickoff, creating the visual and discursive identity design, as well as the general strategy […]